
Michigan - Ban Fracking - Recall Gov. Snyder

Fracking is dangerous.  We need  a complete ban.

Here is some information from Food and Water Watch.
I'm not recommending you make a donation, but I do hope you all will demand legislation to protect our water and air from this illegally, deregulated and proven dangerous practice. http://action.foodandwaterwatch.org/p/salsa/web/common/public/content?content_item_KEY=11546

One of the best reports on Fracking (in Ohio and Michigan in particular) is from Rachel Maddow.

Here are a couple other Fracking Videos


In Michigan there is a good effort to Ban Fracking.
I recommend you visit the website and watch some of the videos and read their literature.
Petitions to permanently ban fracking in Michigan are circulating right now. Go to http://www.banmichiganfracking.com.

Recall Michigan Governor Rick Snyder
The disgusting Tea Party, Anti-American, Fascist, Unconstitutional policies foisted off on Michigan by this Governor are some of the worst in the Nation.

Again from Rachel Maddow, who seems to be the only person really covering this criminal enterprise.



The petition drive is on to put the Recall of Michigan Governor Rick Snyder on the November ballot.
They will send you a petition by regular mail to sign and send back. You do not need to collect other signatures - unless you want to.
There are only 12 spaces on each petition page. You can request a petition to be mailed to you here. https://www.michiganrising.org/circulate-petitions/get-petition-via-usps.html

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