I picked up our raw milk today. Kevin was right on time and very pleasant.
I asked him about his shareholder retention and he told me that the biggest problem is that Jenny wrote numerous emails to all shareholders that deliveries were cancelled - which was not true.
She also took down all the Hicks Dairy webpages. The website is still there - minus information. That will get fixed.
Since Jenny took all share-holder contracts and contact information, his email and facebook accounts there is no way for Kevin to reach out to share-holders and customers. You need to contact him.
His new facebook page is at : https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100003915199510
Meanwhile, Kevin has taken quite a hit and I suppose he will have to dispose of his surplus milk at a loss.
At the same time, anyone who has been wanting a cow-share and finding the usual year or more waiting lists has a perfect opportunity to get one now with Kevin.
He delivers raw pastured milk and other dairy, and pastured - free range meats and eggs to several locations in the Metro Detroit area. We pick ours up in Royal Oak.
Anyway, if you want raw dairy, and pastured meat and eggs, now is a good time to get hooked up.
By the way, anyone can order eggs and meat. You only need a cow-share for the raw dairy.
The only other place we could find pastured, free range meat was a 60 mile round trip and we had to order a month in advance, so ordering from Kevin is quite a convenience.
If you want to take advantage of this opportunity, email him and he will get back to you.
I was surprised at how quickly he responded to my call as he is running an old fashioned dairy and making deliveries.
His email is:
You usually have to order about a half week ahead of the scheduled delivery.
Thanks to Kita for posting his delivery schedule in a comment to this post. Click view comments.
For Now, Hicks Dairy Following The Previous Schedule
• CHESTERFIELD - Every Other Tuesday
11:50 a.m. until 12:10 p.m.
MOTOR CITY GARAGE - 52550 Gratiot Ave. (Back Parking Lot)
June 12 & 26
• ROCHESTER HILLS - Every Other Tuesday
11:45 a.m. until 12:10 p.m.
CROSSFIT MAVEN - 1106 East Avon Road
June 6 & 20
• ST. CLAIR SHORES - Every Tuesday
12:45 p.m. until 1:05 p.m.
ST LUCY'S CHURCH - 23401 Jefferson (same parking lot as YMCA)
• ROYAL OAK - Every Tuesday
1:35 p.m. until 2:30 p.m.
• CLARKSTON - Every Tuesday
3:15 p.m. until 3:40 p.m.
• ANN ARBOR - Every Other Thursday
10:00 a.m. until 10:25 a.m.
SHY ENTERPRISE - 717 W. Ellsworth Road
June 7 & 21
• BRIGHTON - Every Thursday
11:00 a.m. until 11:25 a.m.
HOLY SPIRIT CHURCH - 9655 Musch Road
ª FARMINGTON HILLS - Every Thursday
12:05 p.m. until 12:30 p.m.
WELLSPRING CHURCH - 36350 West 8 Mile Road
Unfortunately, when the split occurred, we went with Jenny. 2 of the 3 people in the house preferred the milk that we got from them that month. We always called her the Milk Nazi because of her abusive and incomprehensible e-mails, but she was OK in person. Well, Hill High dairy has been facing legal problems from the state because of their refusal to comply with inspections on their processed milk products. Jenny tries to make it sound like it affects all of us share holders, even though my research shows it does not. She has recently demanded that we go to meetings and pay $75 toward their legal defense fund, and don't tell her anything that you disagree about, because she doesn't need the stress. This is the last straw for us. I also found out that despite their photos of cows cavorting in a pasture, the milk is not truly grass fed. One member of the household has just developed a dairy sensitivity. I wonder... We will be returning to Hicks. We are so sorry. Please forgive us, Kevin, and take us back.