
News for the Day 3-22-2012 Grandkids, Big Oil, Keystone XL, War in Iran

Nice picture of my wonderful wife Kita, ALL my grandkids in one place, and me.  Summer 2011 - Michigan. 


My Congressman Sander Levin wrote me today:
The Congressional Connector
Week of March 19 - March 23, 2012
U.S. Oil Companies Exported Record Amounts of Petroleum Abroad in 2011

The number of oil rigs operating in the U.S. has quadrupled over the last three years.  Domestic oil production is at an 8 year high; imports are at a 17 year low, while consumer demand for gasoline has declined 17 percent since 2008.  So with supply rising and demand falling, why are gas prices going through the roof?

One reason is that U.S. energy companies are exporting record amounts of refined petroleum products abroad.  According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, even as the price of gas at the pump surged over the last year, U.S. oil companies exported a record high 2.9 million barrels of petroleum products per day last year to other countries instead of using increased production to bring down prices here at home.
So, instead of having to buy foreign oil they are spending far less in aquisition by producing more.  And because they are greedy jerks who don't care about their customers, instead of using the extra oil to lower costs for Americans, they see the opportunity for even more (than record) profits by selling the extra overseas.  I have no love for big oil.  They obviously have none for me. I think we should outlaw the export and import of energy as well as speculaton in energy, tax the crap out of the oil companies and give the money to American Labor and feeding our poor.  I also believe we could cap the price of gasoline at under $1 per gallon.  Just have to cut the fat out of the big oil payroll.

President Obama's speech in Cushing, Oklahoma is a slap in the face to those of us who hoped President Obama would show real leadership on climate.

Any policy that deepens our dependence on oil is a failure at addressing gas prices. President Obama should lead on climate by aggressively moving us away from policies and projects like Keystone XL, not by caving to political pressure on gas prices and cheerleading the southern portion of Keystone XL, which ironically will raise gas prices in the midwest by as much as 20 cents a gallon.

I can't believe President Obama could support Keystone XL or any tar sands or fracking energy plan.

Is he unaware of the damage to our planet and human health this causes.  It is already devastating.

I want the President to be aware of the problems. 


This is a greedy and dangerous plan that will not improve anything but the bank balances of already bloated big oil and their cronies.

Support Rep. Barbara Lee's bill to prevent a costly and unnecessary war with Iran.

As we approach the ninth anniversary of the invasion of Iraq, we once again see dangerous momentum for another irresponsible, unnecessary and costly war - this time with Iran.
Tell your member of Congress to support Rep. Lee's bill (H.R. 4173) to prevent another disastrous war of choice.

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