
Michigan's Dictators being sued - gross corruption

I want to write a post dealing with this issue in more detail but it will take some time.  I don't think  the publishing of the problem can wait though.
Please watch this important BREAKING NEWS about Michigan's DESTRUCTION OF DEMOCRACY.
Even the State Legislature is not immune from this Republican stranglehold on Freedom and destruction of Constitutional Rule.
The clip is short.  Watch it now.
You should be OUTRAGED!
If video does not work or loads too slow click the link below.
As Rachel reports, the Republicans are attempting to block objections to their corruption.  http://eclectablog.com/2012/04/michigan-gop-appeals-ruling-preventing-them-from-violating-the-state-constitution.html
The Rachel Maddow Show has produced some of the most extensive and in-depth coverage of Michigan's Republican Takeover and  Overt and Dictatorial War on  Democracy.  Watch more of Maddow on Michigan here. http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=rachel+maddow+michigan&oq=rachel+maddow+mi&aq=0p&aqi=p-p1g9&aql=&gs_nf=1&gs_l=youtube-psuggest.3.0.35i39j0l9.46417.47159.0.53239.

1 comment:

  1. Amazing and frightening! Thank you for following Michigan politics. I wish more people were informed.
